NMR Data

Accessing NMR Data acquired in the NMR Facility

NMR Data collected by the facilities walk–up instruments are stored on an IT Services data server. When you request access to the NMR facility an access request will be made to IT services on your behalf.

Data are stored here: \\nasr.man.ac.uk\epsrss$\snapped\replicated\NMR

When accessing data, you will be prompted for a username and password. The username you should use is ds\mbdss$$$ where mbdss$$$ is your University of Manchester user ID. Your password is the same as for other University of Manchester services. The ds\ is important as it tells the system where to authenticate your password.

If you wish to create a shortcut then you can map the NMR data server so that you can get to it from Computer or Windows Explorer without having to look for it or type its network address each time.

  1. If you are off-campus or using wifi, connect to the VPN. For details see: http://www.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/our-services/my-it/vpn/.
  2. Win10: Open File Explorer by clicking the File Explorer icon, and then click This PC.
    Mac: See http://osxdaily.com/2010/09/20/map-a-network-drive-on-a-mac/ and Notes below.
  3. Click Map network drive.
  4. In the Drive list, click a drive letter. You can choose any available letter. I: is recommended.
    In the Folder box, type the path of the folder or computer, or click Browse to find the folder or computer.
    For the NMR data server, use: \\nasr.man.ac.uk\epsrss$\snapped\replicated\NMR. To connect every time you log on to your computer, select the Reconnect at logon check box. Select the Connect using different credentials check box.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Click Use another account.
  7. Enter as the username: ds\mbdss$$$ where mbdss$$$ is your University of Manchester userid) and enter your central IT services password. Select the Remember my credentials check box.
  8. Click OK.

We also have a legacy server: \\ss7a.ds.man.ac.uk\vol5\vol3\users\snmrdata which can be mapped in the same way.
For OS X use username ds\mbdss$$$ as mentioned above and server address: smb://nasr.man.ac.uk/epsrss$/snapped/replicated/NMR.